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Washing Soda Pure (Eco Pioneer) remove


Washing Soda (sodium carbonate) is related to baking soda. It cuts through grease, softens water and disinfects. It can also be used in swimming pools to increase the pH level.


Before commercial cleaners and synthetic, chemical surfactants were introduced in the 1940s, the majority of household cleaning was performed by combining basic, natural ingredients, such as soap flakes, borax, washing soda and baking soda. These products may have required some additional "elbow grease", but they cleaned effectively and most importantly had little impact on the health of the user or the environment.


Eco-Pioneer Pure Washing Soda is 100% pure, with natural ingredients from local suppliers. Their boxes are made with 100% recycled paper fibres and use non-toxic, vegetable inks.

Brand Eco Pioneer
Origin Guelph, ON
Local - Ontario
Fragrance FREE