Pfenning's Organic Health Products & Food
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Evening Primrose Oil - 1000mg (EfamolĀ®) remove


Helps improve skin properties including water loss, skin moisture, elasticity, firmness and roughness.

Clinically proven to relieve symptoms of atopic eczema, including redness, itchiness and swelling.


Each soft gel capsule contains:

  • Efamol® Evening Primrose Oil (Oenthera biennis)(seed) - 1000mg
  • providing Linoleic acid (LA) 658 mg and Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) 115 mg
  • Vitamin E (equivalent to 10 mg ATE d-a-tocopherol) - 15 I.U.

Non-medicinal Ingredients: Gelatin, glycerin.


Recommended Dose: Adults: Take 3-4 capsules per day in divided doses with food or drink.


Children: (1-11 years old): Take 2-3 capsules per day in divided doses with food or drink. For young children under 8 years old, empty content and mix with formula or food.


Maintenance dose for both age groups: After 4-6 months, a lower maintenance dose of 1-2 capsules per day may be sufficient to keep symptoms under control indefinitely.


(For improving skin properties) Adults: Take 3 capsules per day in divided doses during meals. Take for a minimum of 3 months to see beneficial effect.


Cautions: May cause minor and temporary headache, nausea, diarrhea or other gastrointestinal disturbances that can be avoided with a lower initial dose.

Discontinue use if skin rash develops or worsens.



Brand EfamolĀ®
Certified Organic No
Origin The Netherlands & New Zealand
Gluten Free
No Soy
No Egg
No Corn