Back for the Rest of the YearMonday, August 11, 2014
Welcome back to all of you to our incredible HOME DELIVERY SERVICE! We hope you were able to enjoy some fabulous holidays. Our holiday was a "vacation on the farm." As we previously mentioned, we spent some days camping on our inlaws' farm near Kincardine, the Hack Farm. While we "chilled" and spent some very simple and refreshing time out in nature and on the nearby beach, the Hacks and farmers all around were combining and working hard to take advantage of the beautiful weather and get their grain, hay and straw in. It is that time of the year!
We are happy to be back for all of you still home or back from your vacations and again deliver all of the bountiful organic goodness so plentifully available at this time. It was such a thrill to pack your Baskets today with all those fresh greens and all the tender, juicy soft fruit from Niagara. What a superb time of the year!
IMPORTANT CONTENTS UPDATE: Since Dill was not yet big enough to be harvested for this week, we replaced it with Basli (except for the Small Blender where Dill was replaced with Green Onions). Basil is not too plentiful yet, but we are still at the beginning of the season.
BASIL STORAGE SUGGESTION: Never put your Basil in the fridge. It is best to keep the Basil in the plastic bag in which it comes to guard the moisture. Then just put the stems in a glass of water and keep at low room temperature. This will keep the Basil fresh for a few days until you are ready to use it. |
Wolfgang Wurzbacher 43 May 31, 2024 |
Almut Wurzbacher 1 March 3, 2015 |