Pfenning's Organic Health Products & Food
Store Hours
Open Tuesday - Thursday 9 - 6
Friday 9 - 7
Saturday 8 - 5
[email protected]

Local Season Up and Running!


After the spring that never seemed to come, things are going very fast now. Local greens are all but here. At Pfenning's we are already seeing lettuce from HOPE Farms near Aylmer, and the field crews are busy bunching parsley, spinach and herb bunches. Hoeing teams are already working hard to get the upper hand on the ever proliferating weeds.


Already, we are hearing calls for more rain coming from the caretakers of the land. Every year anew farming entails the balancing act between too much and too little, where perfection is always aspired to and never achieved and one learns to cherish small victories.


So while we periodically digress into philosophical musings, we greatly enjoy what the season has to offer - asparagus, for example. Please, have a peek at our new Very Simple Asparagus Recipe in our Recipe Section. It is so simple (and delicious) that it borders on exceptionality.


Please, also don't forget that there will be NO FOOD BOX DELIVERIES during the Canada Day week, July 1st and 2nd. We'll be back again for regular deliveries the week after, July 8th and 9th. You may want to mark these dates down in your calendars.


Our Store, Pfenning's Organic & More, will remain open during this time. If you haven't been there yet, you may consider paying us a visit. In the world of corporatism and chain stores galore, Pfenning's stands out, bordering - if I may say - on exceptionality.

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