Pfenning's Organic Health Products & Food
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Is it cold enough yet?


After the ever-whimsical weather made me eat my own words (alluding to my comment in our last Newsletter on how little snow we had had so far), it added injury to insult by making the temperature drop to a record low of -34.1 degrees on Monday. Nonetheless, we hope you all received your fruits and vegetables in good condition.


Surplus Spinach

All of you who are receiving a LOCAL BASKET this week (February 17/18) will find a Spinach bunch which is obviously not local, but from more temperate growing areas (California in this case). We had some Spinach surplus and allowed ourselves to share this with our Local Basket customers (at no cost). In a sense it is still local, coming from the same continent. Enjoy!


Mid-Winter Delivery Break

Please, also remember that there will be NO DELIVERIES coming week, February 23/24. We will be back after our break on March 3/4.


Keep warm and healthy!

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